Author: Rosie

Ecogaming – By Daniella Odubayo

Week 1-2: Eco Ego & Early Childhood Education The initial angle I considered with video games and their intersection with eco consciousness was early childhood exposure to both. Using my own experience growing up between the 00s and 10s, the elementary school eco curriculum placed a heavy focus on “reduce, reuse, recycle”, energy conservation, introducing…
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‘Atlantis Transcends’, My Educational Minecraft Experience – by Laura Stusel

Originally published April 20, 2014 The summer is coming and I am drinking in the sweet success of having finished my undergraduate. After four years of attending lecture after lecture, it was a refreshing change to attend ENGL 398E: Video Games and/as Theory in my last semester and do something a bit different. Our Professor…
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Smithed Summit 2024 (by Quinn Saggio)

What is the Smithed Summit? Last week from November 2nd to November 9th, I attended the Smithed Summit with very little knowledge of what it was about, and I was blown away by what I saw. Imagine Comiccon, the gathering for all things superhero: comics, movies, books, art, games, cosplay, etc…but for Minecraft Datapacking and…
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